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Sleeping Turtles Preserve North

 Sleeping Turtles Preserve North
This preserve holds over 174 acres of Flatwoods, floodplain swamps, and oak hammocks. Sleeping Turtles Preserve North was named after naval maps dating from the early 1800s. These maps marked specific landmarks on the Myakka River, and thus, Sleeping Turtles was born.

This preserve offers over 5 miles of unpaved trails accessible for biking, hiking, and jogging. Some trails even allow for equestrian use! Of the five miles of trails. There is only one riverside hike that occasionally overlooks the slow-flowing Myakka River and its natural wildlife. Specifically coded trail markers mark every path, so visitors will never be confused about their location.

At the entrance to the main trailhead, picnic tables and restrooms are open for visitors. As well as a trail kiosk which explains every trail the Preserve offers, where they lead, and what you can see.

Animals must be leashed at this Preserve and are permitted on the Northside only.
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Sleeping Turtles Preserve North

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